LGOIMA Request Details

Date Received:15/02/2024
Date Responded:13/03/2024
Requested Information:Opawe Road paper road stopping - Details of person who initiated the process in 2012-13 and 2022-2023, and the MDC staff member who initially processed the applications.
We provide our response on these requests separately below. 

Request (a) 

The request for the road stopping proposal was made by the Roading Manager at the time. A Council paper describes that this decision was made following consultation with various parties (the landowner, the Department of Conservation, some members of the public). However, to our knowledge, this was not specifically requested by any of them. 

As such, we have decided to grant your request in part and have enclosed the Council paper which commenced the road stopping process for the relevant section of Opawe Road in 2011. This explains the background to the first proposal to stop the relevant section of Opawe Road. 

We refuse the balance of your request under section 17(e) of the LGOIMA, as the information requested does not exist.  

Request (b) 

We have decided to refuse this request under section 7(2)(c) of the LGOIMA. The information is subject to an obligation of confidence arising out of court proceedings. 

In the Council’s view the reasons for withholding the details are not outweighed by public interest considerations.     
