LGOIMA Requests

To ensure full transparency, we make publicly available any information requests we have received. When the requested information is provided the request is updated with the response. In some cases where the information has not been made available, the decision to withhold has been in accordance with the Act to protect privacy.

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Search results: 528

29/08/2024Notification of investigation - Ursula Nicholls - rezoning of 1 Dundas RoadWith Subject Matter ExpertDetails
16/08/2024Is MDC rescinding Māori Wards or going to a referendumCompleteDetails
09/08/2024Code of Conduct complaints regarding CouncillorsCompleteDetails
09/08/2024What is MDC's requirements under Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the 1908 English Laws Act, the NZ Bill of Rights, the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and The United Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples with regard to Certificate of AcceptanceCompleteDetails
08/08/2024Information relating to Kaianga Ora resource consent for corner of Churcher Street and Port Street East.CompleteDetails
30/07/2024Request for meeting with Mayor and CE regarding her allegations of ongoing land discrepanciesCompleteDetails
24/07/2024Information requested on litres of water pumped per minute at Awa fill station and any plans to install more water filling stations in Rongotea area or the Manawatu district Council area.CompleteDetails
23/07/2024Information about proposals to stop Opawe Road since 2000 and MDC expenditures around thisCompleteDetails
19/07/2024Information about proposed “Development and Financial Contributions Policy 2024, and the Development and Contributions Fees”CompleteDetails
18/07/2024Comments and questions about fluoridated waterCompleteDetails
14/07/2024Details of the fluoridation of MDC community water suppliesCompleteDetails
11/07/2024Information MDC hold on Section 1 SO 28787, valuation reference 13860/32001CompleteDetails
08/07/2024Request information about liability Insurances held by CouncilCompleteDetails
02/07/2024Details of council spend on emergency management capability and staffing for year ending June 2022, 2023, 2024, and proposed budget for year ending June 2025CompleteDetails
12/06/2024Request for details about property numbers in areas not covered by reticulated water supplyCompleteDetails