LGOIMA Request Details

Date Received:10/05/2023
Date Responded:30/05/2023
Organisation:Students for Sensible Drug Policy
Requested Information:Information regarding the use of chemical pesticides in areas where foragers may be collecting mushrooms

I refer to your official information request dated 10 May 2023.  The information you have requested is below. 

  • What chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, fungicides etc.) does the council apply to areas of wood chip or bark mulch on council owned and / or operated parks, recreational areas, and reserves (any public area where people may be foraging for mushrooms)? 
    Wood chip is natural and unprocessed initially, once it starts to decompose glyphosate is used to control weeds coming through any applied mulch. 
  • What chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, fungicides etc.) does the council apply to grass areas on council owned and / or operated parks, recreational areas, and reserves (any public area where people may be foraging for mushrooms)? 
    Picloram, aminopyralid, and triclopyr are the active ingredients in Tordon Brushkiller used to control flatweeds in turf. Glyphosate is used for non-selective weed control. 
  • What steps are undertaken to notify the public about areas that have been sprayed? 

    “Caution Spraying in Progress” signs are placed on area being sprayed and removed once recommend re-entry time has been achieved. 
