LGOIMA Request Details

Date Received:27/07/2023
Date Responded:16/08/2023
Requested Information:Update on Opawe Road Closure Proposal
Official information request – Update on Opawe Road Closure Proposal 
I refer to your official information request dated 27 July 2023.  
We have granted your request in part and provide our responses below. 
Status of the Opawe Road stopping proposal: 
An update was provided to Council at its meeting on 6 April 2023.  
A total of 61 objections were received. A report from Mr O’Leary detailing those objections is attached. Mr O’Leary reviewed the submissions, and met with some objectors, following an open invitation, as well as with Council officers to gain further understanding of the concerns raised with the road stopping proposal. 
Following discussions with Council officers and objectors, Mr O’Leary summarised the issues as follows: 
a. The Council wishes to secure enduring public access to Ruahine Forest Park. 
b. A large number of objectors are concerned that a pedestrian easement is not a sufficient alternative to the legal road status currently held. 
c. Whilst there are a variety of views amongst objectors, a large portion of objectors could see benefits in the alternative location of access due to the preferable terrain and distance from Maungatau Farm buildings.   
d. The issues raised at (b) and (c) above necessitate consideration of alternative options by Council officers, however, these options require further investigation and assessment, which is best undertaken outside of the current road stopping proposal. 
Against this background Mr O’Leary recommended that the Council not proceed with the road stopping proposal in its current form, thereby allowing for the investigation of issues raised through submissions and consideration of further options for the unformed road. 
In line with officer recommendations, Council resolved (MDC 22-25/123) to not proceed with the road stopping proposal and to investigate different options in light of concerns around enduring public access to Ruahine Forest Park, and other issues raised in submissions. As such, no hearing was held and the road stopping process is at an end.  
A copy of the Council report and a copy of the minutes from the relevant Council meeting are attached to this letter.  
Are council staff still considering issues people had with the easement and have any changes been made to this? 
In accordance with the resolution mentioned above, Council officers are currently investigating other options to address with methods to address concerns about enduring public access to Ruahine Forest Park.  
The feedback from submitters arising from the earlier road stopping process, including about the easement that was proposed, will be considered as part of that exercise. 
According to your response, from 2007-2022 the council had spent $119,106 on lawyers relating to this matter, $41,585 on services from The Property Group, $2490 on reports confirming the Opawe Rd paper road is a legal road and $20,044 on having the paper road surveyed or employing any other external contractors on matters relating to Opawe Rd. 
Does the council think this has been a worthy use of its money? 
The LGOIMA only applies to information that is already held by the Council. There is no obligation to create information by forming an opinion to respond to a request.  
Expenses since 22 November 2022: 
Since 22 November 2022, in relation to Opawe Road, Council has spent: 
e. $38,181.91 on legal services. 
f. $2,050.00 on services from The Property Group. 
The Council has not spent any money on surveying the paper road or on other external contractors in that period. 
