Cyclone Gabrielle - Friday 17 February

Here's the latest information  on the impact that Cyclone Gabrielle has had on our district and how council are working to help the community recover.

Updated: Friday 17 February at 3:34pm

Council is continuing to assess the impact to the district following Cyclone Gabrielle. We are aware of eight properties that have had damage or contamination to dwellings from floodwaters.

What to do if you need support

Call us on 06 323 0000 if you need any of the following:

  • A property inspection if your dwelling has been impacted by floodwaters (including sheds and garages)
  • To let us know of any urgent welfare needs or assistance.
  • If you notice anything blocking roads that we might not be aware of (trees, slips etc.)

If you’ve been impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle you may be eligible for financial support from Work and Income NZ. To find out more about what’s available visit Cyclone Gabrielle response - Work and Income

Road Closures 

The best way to keep updated on the status of our local roads as they reopen is to use our Current Road Status Map, which you can find here.


Vinegar Hill, Bartletts Ford, Londons Ford and Almadale Reserve still remain closed until further notice.


We've received enquiries from people wanting to donate to those who have been impacted by the cyclone. Here is how you can do that.

  1. If you are wanting to donate to local residents who have been impacted, donations can be made at council. The details to do this are below:

    Manawatū District Council 
    BNZ:02 0628 0040024 00
  2. If you are wanting to donate to residents that were impacted in other regions,  there are a number of ways to do this but we recommend donating to the Red Cross.

Please note, Manawatū District Council is unable to accept donated goods or food/drink as we have no means to be able to deliver items to those impacted.

We'd like to thank everyone that has provided us with information, photos and videos over the past few days whilst we have been responding and recovering from the cyclone. Your efforts to keep us informed provided valuable information that we could share with our teams on the ground, as well as the wider community. It's very much appreciated.

Also, thank you to everyone who have assisted the community over the past few days. The generosity of people has been amazing to see.

Kia kaha, Manawatū!