New Roading Contract Announced

Fulton Hogan has been awarded Manawatū District’s roading contract

The Manawatū District Council’s tendering process for selecting a roading contractor has now been finalised and sees the district acquiring a new contractor for it’s roading maintenance and renewals programme.

The announcement to award Fulton Hogan the multi-year contract to maintain the district’s roading network for the next three years was made at the Council meeting on 7 December, commencing 1 July 2024 through to 30 June 2027.

Manawatū District Council’s Infrastructure Manager, Hamish Waugh said there was a high level of interest from New Zealand’s largest infrastructure contractors and the standard of submissions very high. The detailed procurement process resulted in Fulton Hogan being selected as the preferred contractor based on a number of attributes, including proficiency and pricing.

“We were really impressed with the high calibre of tender applications received, ensuring this has been a robust and thorough selection process. We look forward to working with Fulton Hogan on the continuous maintenance and renewals of our roading network,” said Mr Waugh.

“This contract represents the largest single budget area within the overall Council work programme which covers roading repairs and maintenance, road sealing, footpath repairs, drainage works and attendance to emergency and weather events. Fulton Hogan have also committed to working with several established local infrastructure suppliers here in the Manawatū which ensures the local contracting market is supported. This local knowledge will ensure the roading network is looked after to the highest possible standard within our available budgets” adds Mr Waugh.

The contract will have two rights of renewal of three years each, upon satisfactory performance and subject to Council agreement.