Knowing those who fought for us

Thanks to Allan Muntz and his years of research, dedication and fact checking now the known veterans buried within Manawatū District Council cemeteries have a record which includes their photo and history from birth to marriage.

Over the last 7 years, Allan Muntz has been putting his history degree and passion into identifying and researching interned World War I veterans throughout the Manawatū District cemeteries.

It all started as Allan attended Feilding RSA meetings, and the ode was recited. It led Allan to question ‘who are we remembering’?

And so began Allan’s journey.  He walked the rows of the Feilding cemetery and spotted a headstone mossed over.  As Allan took the time to read the headstone further, he realised it was a veteran who received the Military Medal for his brave actions and yet the headstone was unkept.

While many New Zealanders have some association to war, Allan's work challenges the notion that while communities gather annually for Anzac services, do we really know the history, stories, and sacrifices of war.

Thanks to Allan Muntz and his years of research, dedication and fact checking now the known veterans buried within Manawatū District Council cemeteries have a record which includes their photo and history from birth to marriage.  This is roughly 336 documented veterans and Allan admits there are likely more that he is unaware of.  Allan has compiled his research into a published book titled “We Shall Remember Them”.  The book is available for purchase through the Feilding RSA with all proceeds going to the Feilding RSA.

While Allan’s journey has been largely completed on his own, he has had a few helpers who have joined along the way including the students at Waituna West School.  “Involving the next generation of custodians help to build the connection, respect and knowledge is important to keeping the legacy of our veterans alive,” Allan explains.

Visit the Feilding RSA to purchase your copy of We Shall Remember Them.

Allan Muntz with his book "We will Remember Them" at the Feilding cenotaph.