Stolen Sculpture from Timona Park

The Gill Absolon Memorial Sculpture titled ‘Centurions’ were stolen from Timona Park between March 11 and 14.  Council is appealing to the public for help to find the sculptures.

The sculptures have a distinctive design and were constructed and named to honour Feilding champion, Gill Absolon.

Absolon was the mastermind behind the Timona Park Orchard Trust which transformed an unused and unloved part of the park into a haven of fruit trees.  The sculpture was a collaborate effort with the Kimbolton Sculpture Festival in 2020 and have since provided a unique attraction in Timona park.

The Manawatū District Council’s Park and Property team work to create spaces throughout the district with meaning and symbolism that is unique to the area and the people that call the Manawatū home.  “These sculptures honour an incredible member of our community and to see them stolen is a disappointment and disrespectful to the amazing work that Gill and the Timona Park Orchard Trust have achieved”, James Adamson Parks and Property Officer says.  “We are asking anyone with information to please come forward.”

If you see the sculptures, or have information about the incident we ask that you please call Council on 06 323 0000.  You can remain anonymous.  If you have the sculptures, you can leave them next to where they were displayed – no questions asked.