The Road to Industrial Growth in the Manawatū

Stage One of the Turners Road extension is now open for industrial growth with many businesses already reaping the benefits.

The opening of this multi-year project provided an opportunity to celebrate the achievements made to date.

The opening was held on Monday 26th February and was attended by contractors, consultants, Elected Members, Council Officers, and the businesses already located within the new portion of road – namely Central Demolition, BuiltSmart, Central ITM, and Reese Agri.

With 24 hectares of industrial land, the Turners Road extension project will enable access to existing businesses and those that are set to develop.  The attraction of businesses to the area adds to the long term economic growth within the Manawatū District.

Mayor Helen Worboys explains, “these economic benefits are why Council made the decision to lead this industrial growth project, and underpin our commitment to continue with the construction of Stages 2 and 3 within our upcoming Long Term Plan.”

In discussing the collaborative relationship between all parties involved in the project, Mayor Helen Worboys expressed “the positive impact that collaboration between Council, businesses, contractors and consultants has created for Stage One of the project is pleasing to see, and I am looking forward to the opening of the completed road in the future.”

Council have included the funding for the remainder of the road extension within Years 2 and 3 of the draft Long Term Plan 2024/34 which will be released for public consultation in March 2024. The project is funded via development contributions.

L to R: Michael Butcher (Central Demolition), Marc Clinch (BuiltSmart), Ian Butcher (Central Demolition), Mayor Helen Worboys, Rob James (Central ITM), Rachel McKay (Reese Agri) join to cut the official ribbon opening stage one of Turners Road extension.