Local Heroes Recognised at the Manawatū Community Honours Awards

The ‘fantastic’ voluntary work of eight Manawatū residents has been recognised as part of the annual Manawatū Community Honours Awards.

The awards, which were held on Thursday 21st September at the Manawatū District Council Chambers were established in 1991 to celebrate individuals whose volunteering efforts have positively impacted the communities around them.

Manawatū District Council Mayor Helen Worboys said that the awards provide a fantastic
opportunity to recognise individuals in the community that go above and beyond.

"Each of these individuals have dedicated their lives to the betterment of their communities,
volunteering their time and skills to make the district a better place to live," says Mayor Helen.

All eight honourees, who were nominated by members of the community, received a bouquet of
flowers, and their names will be included on the honours board in the council building's foyer.
The 2023 honourees include:
* Bryan Proctor (Rongotea)
* Lance Berry (Rongotea)
* Sue & Louis Noels (Rongotea)
* Barbara Wills (Feilding)
* Dr. Warren Nicholls (Feilding)
* Rex Wheeler (Feilding)
* Brenda Leigh (Posthumous, Hiwinui)

“This year, alongside congratulating the other honourees it was particularly special to be able to
posthumously recognise the work of Brenda Leigh. Brenda served as the Principal of Hiwinui School  from 2001 to 2021 and was a member of the Hiwinui Community Committee. Her contributions  included the 125th Anniversary of Hiwinui School project and advocating for essential footpaths in  the area. Brenda retired from her role as Principal at Hiwinui School at the end of 2021 and passed away in March 2022 after a short illness. People like Brenda, and all the individuals recognised, are the glue that holds our communities together. I'm thrilled that, through these awards, we can continue to honour their legacies,” adds Mayor Helen.

Information on all our honourees is available on our website

For more information, please contact
Rhi Galpin
Engagement & Communications Manager