2024 Manawatū District Young Achievers’ Awards Nominations Now Open
Making a difference can start at any age and the Manawatū District is filled with young achievers who are positively contributing to their community. We encourage you to recognise their efforts by nominating them for a Young Achievers Award.
It’s important to recognise work of those in our community and to say thank you which is why MDC in partnership with the Manawatū District Youth Council, is proud to host the Manawatū District Young Achievers Awards.
This year’s ceremony is to be held at the Civic Centre on Monday 23 September and will acknowledge students and youth in the Manawatū District that have contributed positively to their community and demonstrated exceptional leadership amongst their peers.
There are six overall award categories, with two age categories per award; 5-12 years and 13+ years.
- Te Raukura (Inclusion Award):This award recognises a young person who has promoted diversity, cultural understanding and/or positive change for under-represented groups in their community (this could be either a geographical location and/or a community of interest).
- Auaha (Innovation Award): This award recognises excellence and original thought through social enterprise, inventing creative solutions to real world issues, or artistic endeavour.
- Tūao (Volunteer Award): This award celebrates the passion, commitment and success of rangatahi who have made a significant contribution to their community through volunteering.
- Taiao (Commitment to the Environment Award): This award recognises a young person who is making significant contributions in order to bring about environmental improvements and/or support sustainability.
- Te Manukura (Leadership Award): This award recognises a young person who has demonstrated excellent leadership skills in their community (this could be either a geographical location and/or a community of interest).
- Te Iho Pūmanawa (Whakamana Tangata): This award recognises a young person who has demonstrated an outstanding contribution to their whānau, community, church, school, or peers.
To nominate a young achiever you know, visit: Young Achievers Awards | Manawatū District Council (mdc.govt.nz)
Nominations are open from Monday 3 June and close Friday 12 July 2024.
Photo Caption: 2023 Young Achievers Award Recipients