Stock / Bees / Other Animals

Wandering Stock

Wandering stock can pose both a nuisance and a hazard - especially on our roads.

If you come across wandering stock, please contact Council so that they can inform an Animal Control Officer and locate the animals owner.

Beekeeping Registration

Council is making it easy for beekeepers to register the location and number of hives by having an online form that can be completed and submitted. If you comply with the Animal Bylaw in relation to beekeeping you do not need a permit, you just need to notify us by completing the beekeeping registration form.

Animal Bylaw Permit

The keeping of Poultry/Bees/Multiple Cats/Pigs in the Urban Area

The keeping of animals other than dogs in the Manawatu District is controlled by the Animal Bylaw 2019 (PDF file, 1.3 MB)

To make an application to the Council for either of these activities please use the Animal Bylaw Permit form (PDF file, 469.9 KB)

To advise Council of roosters on a residential (urban) property please email us on or contact Council.

Other Requirements for the Keeping of Animals

The Manawatu District Plan also contains conditions and standards for the keeping of a variety of other animal species in and around the urban environment, including the Rural Zones.

The District Plan contains specific requirements for activities including:

  • Pig Farming
  • Kennelling of dogs
  • Accessory buildings for the purpose of housing animals (sometimes referred to as Pens housing animals), and
  • Milking Sheds

For information regarding whether a resource consent is required under the Manawatu District Plan please refer to the Manawatu District Plan, or contact Councils Planning Team with enquiries at

Owners Are Responsible for Controlling Their Animals

Owners and persons who may have an animal temporarily in their custody are responsible for:

  • Keeping the animal under control at all times.
  • Ensuring the animal does not create a nuisance
  • Ensuring the animal is properly fed, sheltered and cared for.

Council officers will respond to complaints where animals might be accusing a nuisance or danger.

If you live or keep animals near natural bush, native wildlife habitat, protected areas or Department of Conservation controlled land you must take all reasonable steps to prevent your animals from entering onto those areas and destroying or damaging native fauna and flora.

Animals Must Be Properly Cared For

The Animal Welfare Act 1999 requires animals to be housed, fed and treated in a humane manner.

The Council will report any incidents of abuse, cruelty, mistreatment or malnourishment of any animal to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) and/ or the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) where appropriate.