Community Development Fund

The Community Development Fund is designed to encourage community leadership of local solutions. This fund supports community and voluntary organisation's whose outcomes directly contribute to the Community Development Strategy’s vision of “Our District offers a high quality of life for all residents” as well as supporting the following outcomes:

  • We are connected and inclusive – our strength is in the diversity of our people and our heritage
  • We are actively engaged – our people are empowered to strengthen and influence their communities
  • We prepare for tomorrow today – our natural, physical and social environment is safe, sustainable and resilient
  • We are lifelong learners – our people gain and share knowledge and understanding as they progress through life

The Community Development Fund will support grassroots initiatives that align well with the above outcomes and can deliver on more than one of the following Community Development Strategy goals:

  • We are a welcoming community
  • Everyone has a sense of belonging and are proud of where they live
  • We value who we are and where we have come from
  • We have creative, cultural and recreational participation in our communities
  • We work together to make our whānau and communities better
  • Tāngata whenua are visible
  • Community success is enabled by quality infrastructure, services and technology
  • Our people and communities feel safe
  • We are guardians (kaitiakitanga) of the natural environment
  • Our people have learning opportunities that enhance their life choices
  • We encourage and enable people to shape their future
  • Our people share their skills and experience with others

Funding Rounds

There will be two funding rounds per year for one off services or projects that link to the fund’s criteria. They close 30 June and 30 November.

There is one funding round every three years for the delivery of priority services from the Community Development Fund closing 30 October.

Read our Community Development Fund Criteria and funding process for Priority Services (PDF file, 3.2 MB) or Single Service / Projects (PDF file, 3.3 MB).

Read our Frequently Asked Questions for Priority Services (PDF file, 105.0 KB).

For information on other funding options, try the Funding Information Service website, Generosity.

Those applying for Community Development funding will need to be able to demonstrate that they are either:

  • A not for profit organisation based in the Manawatu District; or
  • A legally incorporated society or charitable trust that is registered with the Charities Commission; or
  • A partnership or not for profit and/or a legally incorporated society or charitable trust for the delivery of services or a project, and that they have the appropriate organisational structure and demonstrated financial ability to deliver on the service or project.

Priority will be given to:

  • Activities that contribute to achieving more than one of the above key outcomes and goals
  • Viability of the proposed service or activity including history of organisation’s capability and capacity of project delivery with demonstrable community benefit clearly evident
  • The management/governance structure of the organisation and its financial requirements are appropriately met relative to the size and complexity of the organisation
  • Legal status of organisation
  • Initiatives that strengthen participation across diverse communities
  • Collaborative approaches operating across more than one organisation which enhances connections with existing and emerging networks and activities eg community, arts, cultures, environmental
  • Initiatives that grow community leadership
  • Compliance with previous reporting requirementsMulti-year funding up to three years from the Community Development Fund can be approved.

What Can and Can’t Be Funded?

The Community Development Fund will fund a wide range of costs integral to service delivery including salaries, training and development, administration and office expenses, insurance and audit, rent and utilities, promotion and materials and small capital items. However, it will not fund:

  • Reducing Debt servicing
  • Legal expenses
  • Medical expenses
  • Maintenance of equipment or facilities
  • Public services that are the responsibility of central government
  • Retrospective funding of services or projects

Accountability Requirements

The conditions of receiving funding are:

  • Manawatū District Council must be acknowledged as a partner and funder and be acknowledged as a separate entry within the organisation’s accounts or in the organisation’s annual report.
  • Recipients of Community Development Funding will be required to submit an accountability report to the Manawatū District Council that reports against key result indicators agreed to as part of a Contract of Service. Accountability reports will be required to be submitted at 6-monthly and 12-monthly intervals during the term of the contract.
  • Recipients of Community Development Funding for one off services or projects will be required to submit an accountability report at the completion of the service or project.

How to Apply

Apply online using the link below, which will open a page on our SmartyGrants community funding website. Alternatively, you can email to discuss your options