LGOIMA Request Details

Date Received:03/11/2023
Date Responded:15/11/2023
Requested Information:Details about Rangiwahia bulk rubbish collection
The information you have requested is below. 

Who can make use of it 
Anyone that lives in the area, can use this service 

What kind of waste it applies to (and as importantly, what waste types cannot be disposed of through the bulk collection method) 
Only general waste accepted. We do not accept green waste, whiteware or any oversized item unless it has been broken down prior. No Hazardous waste is accepted. 

What quantity limits there might be, if any (by type) 
There are no quantity limits. 

Whether people have to get approval from the council in advance or can just turn up. 
You do not need approval from the Council, and can just turn up on the day 

Whether special permissions might be required for certain types of waste to disposed of using the bulk collection method 
No special permission necessary for general waste. 

How often such collections take place 
Rangiwahia bulk rubbish collection happens twice a year. 
Here is a link to the calendar https://www.mdc.govt.nz/__data/assets/pdf_file/0021/32673/Rural-Bulk-Calendar-2023-24.pdf  

Any other relevant information. 

Eftpos only, although there are connection issues at Rangiwahia so cash is acceptable  

Charges can be found on our website, which are the same as at the transfer station, here is a link to the page Rubbish & Recycling Fees | ManawatÅ« District Council (mdc.govt.nz) 