Property Files

Requesting a Property File

Property files will be scanned and emailed via a link for a cost of $39 per residential property or $78 per commercial property. Extra costs may apply to large commercial properties. This request includes records specific to that property and may include building consents, historic permits, resource consents, compliance schedules and other correspondence or information related to that property. We will not include health or liquor files unless specifically requested.

PLEASE NOTE: A property request provides limited information about a property. More complete information about a property can be obtained in a Land Information Memorandum (LIM). The Manawatū District Council recommends a LIM is obtained when purchasing property. You can read more about LIM's here.

How Does It Work?

Fill out the form below giving us as many details about your request as possible. From here we will confirm the request via email and send you details for credit card payment or internet banking transfer. It also gives us a chance to let you know if you will incur any extra costs due to the size of the file or, where there is limited information available or you would only like a select piece of information (e.g. a code of compliance certificate), there may be no cost involved at all.

We endeavour to send all links within three working days of receiving payment. For bank transfers this usually happens overnight. Please expect processing to take slightly longer for larger requests - we will give you a timeframe upon receiving your request.

We prefer to send links as we are striving to be an efficient, modern council but if you choose we can copy the information onto a disc.

Property File Request Form

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
(start typing, then select from the list)
What would you like to view? *