Plan Change 52 - Industrial Zone

Addresses issues with existing industrial zoned land and rezones some additional land at Kawakawa Road.

[Operative - 17th April 2017]

Plan Change Status
Decision: 27/02/2017
Commissioner Hearing: 5/12/2016
Further Submissions Closed: 28/09/2016
Further Submissions Opened: 15/09/2016
Submissions Closed: 10/08/2016
Notified: 14/07/2016


Operative Public Notice - PDF file (82.5 KB)

Operative Plan Change - PDF file (2.2 MB)

Operative Maps - PDF file (8.2 MB)

Commissioner's Decision - PDF file (1.9 MB)

Council Officer's Hearing Report - PDF file (3.8 MB)

Council Officer's Hearing Report Maps - PDF file (6.0 MB)