LGOIMA Request Details

Date Received:27/04/2023
Date Responded:05/05/2023
Organisation:Fair Go
Requested Information:Information regarding the provision of accessible facilities

I refer to your official information request dated 27 April 2023. 

The information you have requested is below. 

  • What is the total number of council-owned playgrounds in your area? 
  • 16 
  • What is the number of disability accessible council-owned playgrounds in your area? 
  • 1 
  • Please provide details of what accessibility features they provide 
  • Wheelchair accessible spinner, wheelchair friendly playground matting to allow access to the entire site and all equipment, Musical instruments area accessible.  
  • What is the total number of council-owned public toilets in your area? 
  • 73 pans across 32 facilities 
  • What is the number of disability accessible council-owned public toilets in your area? 
  • 32 accessible cubicles   
  • What is the total number of council-owned public swimming pools in your area? 
  • 3 
  • What is the number of disability accessible public swimming pools in your area? 
  • 1 
  • Please provide details of what accessibility features they provide 
  • Chair lift, aquatic wheelchair, accessible changing rooms with crane and adjustable height bed, ramp access to pool  
  • What is the current population size your council serves 
  • 33,900  (2022 estimate from Statistics New Zealand) 
