LGOIMA Request Details

Date Received:19/04/2022
Date Responded:
Organisation:Forest & Bird
Requested Information:Climate change and biodiversity loss


The information you have requested is below.

1. Manawatū District Council is developing its environmental sustainability strategy. This strategy will be made up of two parts. A corporate strategic action plan with a focus on measuring and reducing GHG emissions within the organisation, and a community action plan which will focus on partnering with the community more broadly on environmental challenges and initiatives.

2. There is an implementation plan for the corporate action plan.

3. Actions 2-4 of the corporate strategic action plan relate to measuring council's carbon emissions, setting targets for reduction, then monitoring, mitigation and reporting on emissions. Council has partnered with an energy management company to measure and monitor council's emissions. Council will track emissions activity via the energy company's monitoring dashboard

4. No, this is the responsibility of regional councils

5. No, as above

6. The Regional Policy Statement (One Plan) establishes Horizons as the lead agency in the region to control activities in specified habitats and to work with land owners to protect and enhance these habitats. Under the One Plan, the Manawatū District Council is responsible for notable and amenity trees, but not for indigenous biodiversity generally.

That said, the Operative District Plan (2002) includes provisions (Chapter 4: Heritage) and associated schedules for:

* Wetlands, Lakes, Rivers and their Margins (Appendix 1a), and

* Significant Areas Of Indigenous Forest/Vegetation (excluding reserves) (appendix 1b)

Some areas included in the schedules have rules while others are included for information purposes only, the list is available via the link on the council website:

Council is working on a District Plan Review and these areas/provisions will be reviewed in line with the Regional Policy Statement.

7. Areas identified in the schedules are also included on the District Plan maps.

8. The work to review and identify SNA's has yet to be completed, according to the One Plan this is Horizons' responsibility in our region.

9. MDC does not have a fund to manage privately owned areas, council owned areas would be maintained under annual plan funding.

10. Consents data – nil applications received

11. No rules with this purpose exist in the Operative District Plan

12. Regional Council takes the role of monitoring SNA's in the region
