LGOIMA Request Details

Date Received:29/05/2023
Date Responded:02/06/2023
Requested Information:Information about the regulations that govern election hoardings / signage in the area of your district council

The information you have requested is below, with the relevant pages attached.

Elections signs are governed by the Operative Manawatu District Plan, specifically rule 3E.4.2 (Link below)

Elections signs are defined as Temporary signs under the District Plan which states

Temporary Signs means any sign that is of a temporary nature advertising any forthcoming activity. It includes, without limitation:

• Any parliamentary or local authority election signs

• Construction or development signage on any building or demolition site

• Exhibition or event signage

• Real estate signs advertising the sale, rent or auction of land or premises Temporary signs do not include a permanent structure whereby the advertising matter is altered regularly.

Rule 3E.4.2 c  - outlines the criteria for temporary signs including the size and time periods when they can be displayed 

Ch3_District-Wide-Rules-PC64-and-PC51-operative-PC65-legal-effect.pdf (mdc.govt.nz)
