Feedback sought on draft Speed Management Plan 2024-2027

The Manawatū District Council is calling for submissions on its proposed Speed Management Plan for 2024-2027.

The purpose of the draft plan, in line with central government legislation, aims to reduce speed limits in specific areas where the data and legislation supports this change. The areas we are seeking community feedback on include:

  • Some rural roads. The greater Rural Roads network in the Manawatū will be considered as part of the longer term Speed Management Plan for 2027-2033. In the meantime Manawatū District Council will reduce the speeds of three discrete sections of rural roads. We are proposing reducing the speed limit to 80 km/h for Wylie Road, Himatangi Block Road and Banks Road.
  • Village roads – see consultation document for more details.
  • Reducing the Feilding CBD to 30 km/h.
  • Schools (mandatory application). All schools in the Manawatū District have been identified by Waka Kotahi as high benefit areas for speed management interventions in the short to medium term. This means that council has been mandated to implemented new speed limits for:
    • 40 percent of all schools directly access from roads under their control by 30 June 2024 (has been or is being completed, as detailed in pages 8 and 9 of the consultation document), and;
    • the remaining schools on the local road network by 30 June 2027.

The full draft plan and consultation document contain specific details on all the proposed changes, including:

  • Maps of the affected and surrounding areas
  • Details on the current speed limit
  • The new proposed speed limit change
  • Timeframes
  • How to have your say

Anyone can make a submission and we encourage anyone with interest in the proposed changes to have their say.

Feedback on the proposed improvements will be factored into our processes to ensure that we’re making the best decision for all road users in our district. This will be passed onto Horizons Regional Council as part of the Regional Speed Management Plan and then Waka Kotahi for certification.

To read the full draft plan and make a submission head to

Submissions close Friday 5.00pm, 23 February 2024.