How welcoming is the Manawatū District?

Share your experience to help benchmark how welcoming the Manawatū District currently is and programmes that could help to make the District even more welcoming.

Although famous for being ‘Friendly Feilding’ not all of us share the same experiences and so the Welcoming Communities Programme (WCP) is reaching out to the community to find out from those who live, work and play throughout the Manawatū District just how welcoming the District is.

Share your opinions and experiences through the WCP Survey.  The WCP survey is designed to touch on a range of topics through a serious of multiple-choice questions.  At first glance the survey appears long, but it’s easy to answer and open-ended boxes are only provided in case you have more to say.  Some of the topics include civic engagement, public spaces, leadership, identity and even an opportunity for you to share what you think the priorities of the programme should be.

“It’s important not to reinvent the work already being done but rather bridge the organisations and identify the gaps where the Welcoming Communities Programme can fill”, Sarah Deveau Welcoming Communities Programme Coordinator explains.

The survey answers will be used as a benchmark of how the District can become more welcoming and will be used in future years as a measure of the programme’s success.  The survey will be open until March 24.  Respondents are encouraged to share the link and invite others they know to also complete the survey.

Welcoming Communities Survey.