Media Release: Watch this (Parking) Space

Staged approach commences for Time Limited Parking in Feilding CBD

The Manawatū District Council is introducing time limited parking for the Feilding CBD in an effort to increase parking turnover in the heart of town. Introduction of the time limited parking is a direct response by the district council to community views, with an aim to ensure that there are more available parking spaces for everyone visiting the Feilding CBD.

The topic of parking within the Feilding town centre is one that has been of high-public interest for over 10 years. The Manawatū District Council have received mixed feedback during substantial engagement between the district council, residents and business community over the past five years.

In 2018, the Manawatū District Council consulted with the community about the future of the Feilding town centre as part of the ‘Feilding Vision’ project. Business owners and residents of the district were asked for their view on the best and worst parts of the town centre. Common themes arising from that consultation highlighted the widely differing perceptions of availability, location and usability of carparking spaces. More discussion amongst the community were led by Council in 2019, 2022, and 2023. Despite differing views on the best approach, it is clear that the community want to see Council take action.

The decision to fund the installation of time limited parking signs (Stage One) was decided by Council in late 2023. The cost associated with the initial stage is being funded via Council’s roading activity. The signage installation throughout March to April 2024 aptly runs alongside council’s consultation on it’s draft Long-Term Plan 2024-2034. The draft Long-Term Plan will help Council to decide on, amongst other topics, a suitable funding arrangement for Stage two (monitoring and enforcement). Council welcomes community views on the funding approach. “We encourage everyone to have their say on the best way to fund the initiative, including their overall thoughts on the long-term plan for our district,” says Mayor Helen Worboys.

Any income generated by parking fines would not be sufficient to cover the costs associated with monitoring and enforcement of time limits - the next step in the staged approach. The consultation on the draft Long-Term Plan will ask the community which ratepayer group should cover these costs.

The changes come about with an effort to increase turnover, not deter the use of carparks. “We still want people to use the parking spaces that are available around the town centre. Our goal is to

increase the turnover, so that there are more parks available closer to town for those that need them,” adds Mayor Helen Worboys.

The changes won’t affect disabled carparks, and there will be varying time limits and locations across the town centre to allow high traffic and key drop-in businesses to have a faster turnover. Alternatively, longer stay areas remain for shopping, seeing a movie or having a haircut. The centre parks on Kimbolton Road have been kept available for all day parking.

MapMap depicts time limited parking areas - including areas suitable for all-day parking.

For more information on the changes head to:

To provide your feedback on the future funding of time limited parking enforcement and LTP updates, sign up to What Matters Manawatū? | Make your mark Manawatū (


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